Monday, May 18, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle (rewrite)

Sparkling specks of light
I ponder
Floating in the sky
Prisms of the night
Glowing tiny gems
I ponder

Friday, May 15, 2009

Two Angels

Hey Private I have some really really good news for us two
I have just discovered that we’re going to become the greatest neighbors ever

It will be so great
It will be so freaking great causing big trouble

I’m pretty sure that we will be extra watched
Other neighbors will possibly be robbed
Running around being a punk
Bryce will totally end up drunk

He will feel good
I’m really glad I told him he should
Running very wild
He should be asleep in maybe ten

Well, outside naked, shivering, looking bored
He’ll be very cold sleeping there without a clue
He might be mad waking up so cold
He should be happy cuz’ I put his shirt in a fold

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Radical yours of darkness
Cozily touching roughly in nippy air
Heavens overhead brimful with sapphires
Sugary essence hanging on a light breeze
Two create a seductive gaze on another
Our lips collide abundant with tanginess
Slow deep breathing to the ear
My body overwhelmed with a shock
Orgasmic sensation tingling on tongue
Rhythmic rocking standing on water
Flawless beat of waves crashing ashore
A magical night passing at once
Dreaming this night never to end
Long hours of dark we stood in
Soon to head off to snuggle in bed


Green like a fresh picked bannana
Orange like the KTM plastics
Slippery like a slip-n-slide
Moist like baby wipes
Slimy like an algea covered rock
Smelly like seaweed
Contained like fish in a tank
Bouncy like a cracked out man on a pogo stick

Piggy Pic

Oink, oink, oink,
Two little piggies
Small red crazy
Fat blue lazy
Water plum purple
Oink, oink, oink
Gaiser, Colin. "Pigs." Acrylic on Cardboard. 2009. May 15, 2009